In order to cope with the respective interest, desire of members and the industry change, the organization structure of CAHK was extended to Functional Groups. The functional groups have been actively planning activities beneficial to their group members, the Presidents of each group for term 2024-2026 are:
CPE Vendor & Equipment Supplier Group
Mr. Alex WongHuawei International Co., Ltd.
Mr. Jonathan ChengLenovo (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Fixed Network & Value Added Service Group
Mr. Daniel ChungHGC Global Communications Ltd.
Mr. Danny LiHKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Ltd.
Mr. KL HoHKT Limited
Green ICT Group
Mr. Vincent KwokHewlett-Packard Enterprise
Internet Service & Content Provider Group
International Telecom Affairs Group
Mr. Patrick NgNTT Com Asia Ltd.
Mobile Network & Service Provider Group
Ms. Shi XiaopingChina Mobile Hong Kong Co. Ltd.
Mr. Bruce LamCSL Mobile Ltd.
Mr. Damien LeongHutchison Telecommunications (HK) Ltd.
Mr. Stephen ChauSmarTone Mobile Communications Ltd.
MVNO Group
Mr. Alan LeeMultibyte Info Tech Ltd.
Mr. Alex CheungTelecom Digital Holdings Ltd.
Regulatory Issues Group
Broadcasting & Entertainment Group
Mr. Derek ChoiHKT Limited